Monday, 9 June 2014


Driven by my passion and motivation towards young people, I decided to do a volunteer work at Action Health Incorporated as a youth assistant. Action Health Incorporated is an non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting young people's health and development.

Action Health Incorporated has been a leverage for me to do what I love doing best which is to reach-out to young people and adolescent girls. Through this organisation, I have conducted outreaches to various schools and talked to adolescents about sexual and reproductive health related issues such as teenage pregnancy, abortion, sexual harassment and so much more.

Issues about growing up is part of the challenges that young people face.  Adolescents especially the girl child are sexually abused which include cases such as rape, early marriages, sexual harassment.
 Some of them don't even know or understand what HIV/AIDS means or how it can be contracted. Therefore, these outreaches has been a platform for me to reach-out to young people and create awareness about sexuality education. The outreaches has also helped to enlighten young people about skills such as negotiation skills, assertiveness skills, communication skills which they will need to tackle sexual violation and how to make use of it effectively.

Commemorative days such as Female Genital Mutilation Day, Valentine's Day, International Women's Day are programmes which I have anchored in the organisation. The observation of these commemorative days is to create awareness about the importance and the impact they have in the lives of adolescents and youths. On this day, presentation such as drama and dance are presented by the students and this helps to create an atmosphere of relaxation and fun for the adolescents.

Action Health Incorporated also publish news letter called "Growing Up  " magazine which is given out to students in various schools. The contents of these magazine features topics on sexual and reproductive health that concerns adolescent. It also entails how to acquire life changing skills such as assertiveness skills, negotiation skills etc that adolescents needs. I have reached out to lots of adolescent and young people by give them copies of it to read inorder for them to gain more knowledge about sexual and reproductive health issues.

Thursday, 5 June 2014


The social media training was held at  Action Health Incorporated Office situated at17 Lawal Street, Off Oweh Street Jibowu. Its a training organised inorder to increase AHI staffs knowledge about social media. Its been a wonderful training so far and i have really learnt a lot on what the various social media platforms such as: 2go, Facebook, Twitter, Scribed, Youtube, Storify, and Blog is used for and how it can be managed effectively. Though at first, i though that I've really understood all these because the only account I had then was  Facebook, Whatsapp and 2go but thanks to this training, it has given me more knowledge about other social platforms and I also got the chance to open other social media account such as Tweeter and Blog.
Ms. Jennifer Ehidiamen who was facilitator explained how the social media can be managed effectively by an organisation and how it should be use to protect the organisation's interest.
I have learnt a lot from this training and it would have been so unlucky of me if i had missed it. A big thank you to AHI and Ms. Jennifer Ehidiamen. Kudos to you guys; you did a great job.